How to look after your luscious lashes
By now, we all know what eyelash extensions are and we are loving them! Who doesn’t want effortless long, fluttering lashes from the second you wake up?
No more mascara, no more removing little bits of black you inevitably smudge elsewhere on your face and say goodbye to panda eyes….
Hesitant about whether lashes are for you? Here’s a list of the benefits;
They’re effortless: With lash extensions, you’ll wake up every day with full, distinguished looking lashes.
They’re Customisable: Your look can be as natural or as dramatic as you’d like, work with your lash artist to decide your ideal outcome.
They’re Waterproof: While you can’t get them wet in the first 48 hours, after that you can swim, shower, and sweat in your extensions (although the dryer you keep them, the longer they can last).
They’re Safe: For the most part, your lash extensions are 100% safe. Just make sure you know your allergies to avoid any risk of irritation to the lash glue.
How to prep for your appointment;
Arrive Makeup-Free: Your face needs to be a clean canvas to work with, which means it’s best to arrive with no make up around the eyes, try to avoid applying skin care products to your eyes before your appointment too!
Have Photo Inspo: Have a scroll on Pinterest to find your perfect lashes! Sometimes, what you consider to be a ‘natural’ look won’t be the same as your lash artist so it’s best to have a reference photo.
Stop Your Retinol: The eyes are a sensitive area and using Retinol can increase skin sensitivity.
It’s a good idea to put your use of retinols, acids, scrubs, and acne treatments on pause for a few days before your appointment ( if you have concerns about sensitivity, talk to your dermatologist).
Okay, so lashes are starting to sound pretty good right?
Here’s a few things you should know about how to care for your lashes;
Avoid Getting Them Wet the First 48 Hours: After having your extensions applied, avoid all contact with water and steam within the first 48 hours.
Don’t Use Cleansers With Oil: Oil causes the glue to dissolve, so while you are rocking your lashes- don’t use any oil-based products. This means oily makeup removers, cleaners and face oils. You can still apply them to the skin, just make sure you are avoiding the entire eye area.
Try not to touch!: This one is pretty simple, if you rub them too hard or touch them too much, they will break. (Don’t use an eyelash curler on your lashes, this will also cause breakages). Be gentle with your lashes!
Book in at Mii Studio today for your effortless, long lash look!