SHR Laser - A.K.A The Game Changer
With summer just around the corner, there is no better feeling than being beach-ready 24/7 and there’s only one way to do that regarding pesky, unwanted hair: SHR, aka Super Hair Removal.
So, what makes it so Super? Being the latest (and greatest) in IPL laser technology, the difference is the way the shots of laser meet the skin. Gone are the days of long appointments waiting for the laser to hit each individual hair follicle, SHR is far more efficient. By scanning larger areas, the low-frequency pulses progressively heat the skin which kills the hair follicle at its source.
This new process means that the results are far more efficient which translates to more time at the beach and less time booking and waiting for your next appointment. Another bonus, this super-duper method means the pain element is also almost entirely removed making the whole experience far more pleasant. With long-lasting and low maintenance results this shift is a no-brainer in our eyes. Welcome to the new age of smooth, supple skin.
Book your SHR appointment with us today.